excel - Find function to find multiple strings -

I have a column with some possible strings, and I want to know which line they are. Range as the Range ("Load" & LoadNr (1)) as the integer slow foundExec with dim lx worksheet

  ( "G10: G26") set FoundExec = .Find ( "Exec", see: = xlValues) not FoundExec then nothing again dim FirstLoadAddress as string FirstLoadAddress = FoundExec.Address Do lx = FoundExec.Row set FoundExec = .FindNext (FoundExec) is a 'code ... loop while on one side where foundExec.Address & lt; & Gt; It works for me because it is considered, but I also want to find "OVS", "OV" and "OS" values, as is the same code followed by those inputs.  

I treid

  dim lx integer range as range dim FoundOV as range dim FoundOVS as dim FoundExec as range dim AllOSS with dim FoundOS Worksheet ("Load" & LoadNr (1)) range as the boundary. ( "G10: G26") set watching FoundExec = .Find ( "Exec",: = xlValues) set watching FoundOVS = .Find ( "OVS",: = xlValues) set FoundOV = .Find ( "OV", see am: = xlValues) set FoundOS = .Find ( "OS", see: = xlValues) set AllOSS = Application.Union (FoundExec, FoundOVS, FoundOV, FoundOS) not AllOSS then nothing again dim FirstLoadAddress string ' As the code ... FirstLoadAddress = AllOSS.Address Do lx = AllOSS .Row Set AllOSS = .FindNext (AllOSS) Loop while AllOSS.Address & lt; & Gt; FirstLoadAddress End if End with  

but it turns into a working loop.

Is there a way to do this early? And why does the second moving loop change?

Forget all those searches, find them very, very inefficient.

< p> worksheets ( "load" and "LoadNr (1)):

  range (" G10: G26 ") = count Nr = K R = 1 if Ansarti (" # Aksik # Ovis Ovi # # # OS ", Ksel (R, 1) and" # ") & gt; 0 then 'which is something that needs to be finished with then if and and and also Match is more efficient. 
