I have come in many examples of twilight peer modules which fails to install percentage on OS 6.5
This is the error that we are receiving and we are able to install other pear modules:
Pear twilio / Services_Twilio installed
Notice: PHP Notification on Wires to Transform the array into PEAR / REST / 13.php line 80: line string in /user/share/pear/PEAR/REST/13.php in line conversion 80:
WARNING: Supply for invalidation (invalid) argument (pir / rest / 13.php in line 84 php warning: 84/84 / PHP / PHP / PHP / PHP / PHP / PHP / PHP in line Invalid argument has been provided for foreach () on PHP / 13 / PHP / PHP. The array in /usr/share/pear/PEAR/REST/10.php on line 263
How does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? I believe that the twilio has to decide something because I can start this problem again on every OS OS 6.5 server.
encountered the same problem and requested assistance with the support of the twilio, though on the Debian based system, Suggested and indicated that he has been exposed to a problem.
pearl channel-delete twilio.github.com/pear pear channel- twilio-pear.herokuapp.com/pear pearly search Twilio / Services_Twilio
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