python - Opening an external program -

I'm Python Beginner and I have a task. I have to write a function, which opens a program (.bin), execute it so that I can see the result. This program requires 2 arguments from the command line. I used OSSPOND, but it does not work ...

  #! / Usr / bin / python import system import calculation of OS DF (): if len (sys.argv) & gt; 1: pdb_name = sys.argv [1] dat_name = sys.argv [2] crysol = '/ usr / bin / crysol' os.spawnv (Ospi_anoa Aoaatti, Kraysol, [crysol, pdb_name, dat_name]) def main (): Calculate_chi ()  

Can you help me?


Upproses it was intended to replace the eggs.

  Upproses Sbproses Cole ([crysol, pdb_name, dat_name]) Import  
