c++ - cannot compile wxwidgets project on mac OSX mavericks -

I am working on an application across Mac OSX (Mavericks). I have installed wxWidgets and the next two commands return the output successfully from the terminal.

  wx-config --libs  

gives low output.

  L / usr / local / lib -framework IOKit -framework carbon -framework cocoa -framework AudioToolbox -framework system -framework Open /usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.a -framework WebKit - lwxregexu-3.0 -lwxtiff-3.0 -lwxjpeg-3.0 -lwxpng-3.0 -lz -lpthread -liconv  


  wx-config --cxxflags  

gives low output.

  I / usr / local / lib / wx / include / osx_cocoa- Unicode static -3.0 I / usr / local / / wx-3.0 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS = 64 -D__WXMAC__ -D__WXOSX__ -D__WXOSX_COCOA__  included 

However, I tried to compile a Basic WxWigets project using code blocks and NetBeans. I followed many tutorials, but every time I create my project, I get the following compilation error.

"Fatal error: 'wx / setup.h not find file'

I code are added to the following settings in blocks of (and try Netbin) IDE:

  • compiler settings -> other options == wx-config --cxxflags

  • Linker settings -> other linker settings == wx-config --libs

but I can not build your own widgets project: (

Anyone can help

thanks in advance

I only have two Looking at the emotional explanation:

  1. You have not used wxWidgets to install , meaning that any real wx / setup.h directory output Your IDE does not run commands in your settings (BTW, I think you have wx-config-cxxflags inside the backticks). In this case, instead of using the wx-config , copy the actual output and Must have paste.
