c# - SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication in WebApi.Owin also suppressing authentication outside webapi -
I am running into a problem with the solution where I have the parts of the Visual API SPA template for the account controller in the web API I use with OAuth certification.
App USOtherBeer Talkence (OAuth Opportunity);
Then I'm registering in Owen webpia
config.SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication ();
But this webpage also suppresses the default cookie authentication outside of the environment. If this is the intention, if so, how can I set up WebApi for Super API cookie authentication but is still active in the environment for other requests?
It seems that this is a good practice, especially when you have an O-win-hosted app and one on the same IIS Dior Regularly to set up a webapp with an app. Map All my controllers were configured with the "API" prefix path, and I instead transferred it to the map function. Now webapi is running different and it works with my remaining application Thank you for pointing me in this direction @ pinpoint town
Public Zero Configuration (IAppBuilder App) {var Configuration = WebApiConfiguration.HttpConfiguration; App.Map ("/ api", Internal => {inner.UseWebApi (Configuration);}); }
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