I am trying to request a GET on a form using the jQuery AJAX function, but the problem is that I In the URL:
Here is the code:
& lt; Form id = "search_form" method = "get" action = "" & gt; & Lt; Input id = "seach_input" type = "text" name = "q" & gt; & Lt; Button id = "search_btn" class = "btn btn-warning" type = "submit" & gt; Search & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt;
JavaScript code here:
$ ("# search_form"). ('Submit', function (e) {$ .ajax ({Url: "index.html", type: "GET", data: {name: "hello"}, success: function () {console. Log ("success";}}); e.preventDefault ();});
After submitting, I want to look at the URL like this:
http: //localhost/search.html? Q = value
I know e.preventDefault (); This is the reason that the parameter does not appear in the URL, but I
Thank you!
Thank you.
Div clas S = "post-text" itemprop = "text">
What you want, modern browsers such as Chrome, Safari, FF4 + and IE10 can be used through the window. History. Pushstate. / P>
There is a good article here
You will need to add something like this to your code.
Wind Ow.history.pushState ("Object or string "," Title "," / new-url ");
In addition, if you want users to be able to navigate back, instead of using the replaceState
window.history.replaceState ("object or string", "title", "/ other-new-url");
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