Posting a form to an iframe. Blocked frame with origin error on Chrome windows 8 -

I have a form that is posting file uploads in IFrame:

  & Lt; Form id = "upload-form" method = "post" action = "" enctype = "multipart / form-data" target = "upload-frame" & gt; ............... & lt; Input name = "submit" value = "upload" type = "submit" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; Iframe id = "upload-frame" name = "upload-frame" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt;  

It is working fine on every browser in Windows 7, and OSX, although the client has notified me that it is not working on Chrome for Window 8 on it. I read Remote Desktop Error Console and it reads

Unwanted Security: The use of the frame to use "blank" with the original one frame with the origin is a protocol of "http" The protocol of "data" in which it is being accessed must match the protocol.

looks like a problem with the same basic policy, although both forms and iframes are on the same domain .

Is there something like this Is it missing?

Here it is, you have no RF define This is the reason that you are getting blank original error.