c# - Backslash containing string not able find in other string -

I have to take \ r \ n from the registry and compare it with another string, i.e. If it is not \ r \ n or not, then check the variable.

Please look at this code, do not give it "TRUE" result. Please correct this problem.

  class program {static void main (string [] args) {string check = "324214234 \ r \ n"; Registry Key RegKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey ("Software \\ MyRegkey \\ Settings \"); RegKey.SetValue ("ReceiveSplChar", @ "\ r \ n"); String value = regKey.GetValue ("ReceiveSplChar"). ToString (); If (Czech. Kantn (value) console. WrightLine ( "TRUE");}}   


Here you enter the code in

  string Prtyks value = regKey.GetValue ( "ReceiveSplChar") ToString () .; If (Prtyf value! = null) _arsiveedeta = _SetSerialPortkReadTo (credit value); Else _RCVData = _SetSerialPort .ReadLine (); if (SerialDataEvent! = nULL) {SerialDataEvent (_RCVData);}  

special characters can be read his character is \ r \ n or \ t or \ u

Problem: In your first assignment Is considered as ( string Czech = "324214234 \ r \ n"; ) you're not escape special characters so \ r \ n as special characters and assigned string 324214234 & lt; newline & gt; will, but your second assignment statement ( regKey.SetValue ( "ReceiveSplChar", @ "\ r \ n"); ) Special characters with @ are saved so that the assigned string is intact 324214234 \ r \ n


Replace it:

  string check = "324214234 \ r \ n";  


  string check = "324214234 \ r \ n";  Edit:  If you use any of the following sample code ( \ r \ n, \ n, \ t  You can use: 

  class program {static void Main (string [] args) {string str = "12345 \ t"; String finish symbol = GetEndingSymbol (str); } // a given string straight string GetEndingSymbol (String str) {end (if. ​​Else if (str.IndexOf ( "\ n") & gt; = 0) "\ n"; Else if (str.IndexOf ( " \ T ") & gt; = 0)" \ t "; return" ";}}  
