I am currently using HADOOP 2.2.0, HIVE 0.12.0, and Impala 1.2.3. When I'm trying to start Impala -The server is not starting when I checked the log directory, I'm getting the following error Any help is highly appreciated.
Local exceptions failed: com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException: missing messages required fields: callId, status; Host Description: The local host is: "XXXX / [IP-ADDESS]"; The destination host is: "Whoop-Master": 9000; E021 9 13: 15: 16.223870 22635 impala-server.cc:403] Termination of Impala server startup due to improper configuration
The Hadoop 2.2 is using Protobf 2.5 and is using the Impala Protocol 2.4.0A.
Unfortunately the code generated with Protocol 2.5 is incompatible with the old protobef libraries.
In order to upgrade the proto in Hadoop, check the serial number (HDUP-9845) for background or design decisions.
- Delete old Protobf.
- Install Interpolation 2.5
- Create an Impala
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