windows - Decryption of password stored by Google Chrome browser -

I've read that it is possible to decrypt the password stored on the same machine in Chrome and by the same user who encrypts it first at Place.

Can anyone give me an example of this?

Let me log in data from the Google Chrome browser D: \ Users \ Administrator \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome user data \ default I am posting code below:

  #include & lt; QtGui / QApplication & gt; # Include & lt; QSqlDatabase & gt; # Include & lt; QSqlQuery & gt; # Include & lt; QSqlError & gt; # Include & lt; QVariant & gt; # Include & lt; WinCrypt.h & gt; using namespace std; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {// Create database. QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase :: addDatabase ("QSQLITE", "Connection"); Db.setDatabaseName ("D: / user / admin / appdata / local / google / chrome / user data / default / login data"); If (! DB.Open ()) {printf ("There was an error opening the database."); Printf ("% s.", (Db.lastError (). Text ())); Return -1; } QSqlQuery query (DB); Query.prepare ("Select username from login"); If (! Query.exec ()) {printf ("Error occurred query."); Printf ("% s.", (Db.lastError (). Text ())); Return -1; } While ( ()) {printf ("password =% s", (query.value (0) .toString ())); *** *** Need help *** Return to 0;  

In the episode I want to type the password decryption function

  DATA_BLOB dataaut; Verify DATA_BLOB data; If (CryptUnprotectData (& amp; Datome, & amp; pDescrOut, NULL, // Alternate entropy NULL, // reserve 0, // Optional promptstratstr 0, & amp; data description) {printf ("Decrypted data:% s \ n ", Databarripi.pbData); Printf (" The description of the data was:% s \ n ", pDescrOut);}  

But I used the DATA_BLOB type to convert the password_value obtained from the SQLLite database I'm unable.
