GoogleMap has been inserted in the first piece. In another piece - WebView that loads a local background with text on a white background. The problem is that when I turn the second piece on 1 second, a map of the first piece is displayed on the second emulator. On a phone, it is displayed from time to time (with magnification, lack of text on the HTML page) with the first part of the map, it is displayed as a black square of the appropriate size of the map. a black square flashing over to time tell me what could be the problem
public class KirovskFragment1 extends piece {
SupportMapFragment mapFragment ;? GoogleMap map; ImageButton zoomin; ImageButton Zoomout ; @Override Public View onCreateView (LayoutInflater Inflator, ViewGroup Container, Rebellion savedInstanceState) {See rootView = inflater.inflate (R.layout.kirovskfragment1, container, false); mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getFragmentManager () .findFragmentById (; MAP = mapFragment.getMap (); if (Map == nULL) {GetActivity () (end) ;.} if (status map = null!) map.addMarker (new MarkerOptions () (new LatLng (67.609089,33.700819)) title ( ".. Кировск")); CameraUpdate CameraUpdate E = Camera Detective. NAVLLL Zoom (New wave long (61.1, 88.9), 2); map.animateCamera (cameraUpdate); Zoomin = (ImageButton) rootView.findViewById (; Zoomout = (ImageButton) rootView.findViewById (; zoomin.setOnClickListener (New View.OnClickListener () {@Override see public void onClick (v) {CameraPosition cameraPosition = new CameraPosition.Builder () .target (New LatLng (67.6090, 33.7008)) .zoom (8) .build () ; CameraUpdate Camera UpdateData = CameraUpdate Filter. NewcomerPasson (CameraPosition); map.animateCamera (CameraUpdate);}}); zoomout.setOnClickListener (New View.OnClickListener () {@Override see public void onClick (v) {CameraPosition cameraPosition = new CameraPosition.Builder () .target (New LatLng (61.1, 88.9)) .zoom (2) .build () ; Kamraapdet camera Apdetdeta = Kameraapdetafitrknukamarapojhn (Kamrapojisn); MapkanimateCamera (Kamraapdet);}}); Return Rootview;}
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