ant task for svn tag failed with file not found -

I wanted to write an ant task to tag my SVN project, I'm running ant targets from Mac machine and my SVN The server is hosted on a Windows server.

I follow the steps outlined in the site. Here's how I have added it to my ant script.

  & lt; Property name = "svnant.lib.dir" location = "svnlibs" /> & Lt; Property name = "svnant.javahl" value = "wrong" /> & Lt; Property name = "svnant.svnkit" value = "true" /> & Lt; Path id = "svnant.classpath" & gt; & Lt; Fileset dir = "$ {svnant.lib.dir}" & gt; & Lt; Included name = "** / * .jar" /> & Lt; / Fileset & gt; & Lt; / Path & gt; & Lt; Typedef resource = "org / tigris / subversion / svnant / svnantlib.xml" classpathref = "svnant.classpath" /> & Lt; Target name = "svntag" description = "personal project tag by using svnant function" & gt; & Lt; Property name = "svn.tag.message" value = "ant svn tag test" /> & Lt; Property Name = "src.url" value = "" /> & Lt; Property Name = "dest.url" value = "http: /// 8080 / SVN / LocalMobile / Myoprics / Tag / Tag_01" /> & Lt; Echo message = "$ {svn.tag.message}" /> & Lt; Echo message = "$ {src.url}" /> & Lt; Echo message = "$ {dest.url}" /> & Lt; Svn javahl = "$ {svnant.javahl}" svnkit = "$ {svnant.svnkit}" user name = "usr" password = "pass123" & gt; & Lt; Copy srcUrl = "$ {src.url}" destUrl = "$ {dest.url}" message = "$ {svn.tag.message}" /> & Lt; / SVN & gt; & Lt; / Target & gt;  

When I run the ant function in the terminal, this error returns


My ant version is 1.9.3 and my svn client version is 1.6.18. Can anyone help me solve this problem.
