I need to find the greatest element locator. This code works, but if I give the biggest element twice, So how can I return two locations?
import java.util.Scanner; Public category's largest element locker {public static zero main (string [] ARG) // // Read the input from the console scanner input = new scanner (system.); System.out.print ("Enter the number of rows and columns of the array:"); // int lines for reading the number of rows = input.nextInt (); // read column number int columns = input.nextInt (); // Create new array object double [] [] A = new double [rows] [column]; // input array of elements System.out.println ("Enter the array:"); For (int i = 0; i
The only way I can now think:
Get the first number first.
To find out the location of the larger elements once again through the array in the second instance. (Very little optimized approach though)
Quick suggestions: You can type
classgetter / setter
For me, along with this you can create a hashase of all the places, which place objects objects.
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