jquery - use autocomplete and drop-down together -

after "div" = "itemprop =" text ">

I am using an autocomplete with ASP.NET MVC-5 App using the JSON data source in the Cando UI I am ... who is working fine, now I want drop-down to be completely automated so that when the user starts typing value, program data starts sorting but the user can also choose from the drop-down list .....


  public ActionResult GetAllFeeScheme_JSON () {var allFeeScheme = FeeScheme_UOF.GetAllFeeScheme () ToList () .; Return Jason (All Fashheme, Jeseneruest Behavior, Elove Gate); }  


  & lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; @ Html.LabelFor (model = & gt; model._FeeScheme.FeeSchemeDescription, new {@class = "control label call-MD-3"}) & lt; Div class = "call-MD-6" & gt; @ Html.TextBoxFor (model = & gt; model._FeeScheme.FeeSchemeDescription, new {id = "_FeeScheme_Input"}) @html. Validity message (Model = & gt; Model. _ FeeScheme.FeeSchemeDescription) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;  


  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ {Document} .ready (function () {$ ("#_ FeeScheme_Input") kendoAutoComplete ({MINLENGTH: .2, filter: 'is', dataTextField: "FeeSchemeDescription", data source: {type: "json" ServerFiltering: false, transport: {read: "/ qualifications / getfishfem_jason"}}}}}}  

many thanks

the solution is in the form of the following:

"feeshame", datasource: {type: "Jason", server filtering: (feeshaiIID ), "Feeshammy", "Feasheamy", Dativelf Field: wrong, Transport: {read: "/ merit / GetAllFeeScheme_JSON"},}});
