spring mvc - Need solution for report generation mechanism -

I have a problem, in fact we have a spring-MVC web based application, for which we need the report generation system is. I came to Tanland ETL. Can anyone tell that using talent in the form of a report generation system would be useful. Can I integrate it with my application? Or should I search for some jars that can help in the fast report generation system? Thanks

The question is unclear, but try to answer me anyway. Talend is not a reporting platform, but an ETL (Read: Data Handling and Transformation) tool.

You can embed a TOS job in your application, and if you want to handle the data, replace it with a medium / complex method (ie read an excel file, do some work, Save on DB ...). But using it as a reporting or data visualization platform will cause neck pain.

There are better embeddable solutions for these duties. Bert and Jasperportorts come to the attention, but many of them are the real question to choose if you need a low-level reporting service, not more than a framework at the end of the day or polished, perhaps the client -Server, the solution to inquire as a service?
