I was just wandering how I can get the current location of the device. Now, when I tried to use it the geolocator, it did not work. It just gave me longitude and latitude. I do not want that I want the name of road or city or suburb, etc .. For example, Nokia will have the HERE Transit
app. When you go to the 'Nearby' tab, you get a map and below it is the name of the road, the suburb, and then the city and the postcode.
How can I do this? What do I still have:
Geolocator Geolocator = new geolocator (); Geolocator. Specified qualification = 50; Try {Goposio Geopicz = Waiting for GOA Getgeopation Async (); Test. Text = geographic Coordination Latitude. ToString ("0.00"); Testt.Text = geoposition.Coordinate.Longitude.ToString ("0.00"); } Hold (unauthorized access to access) {}
Actually it gives me longitude and latitude. Maybe I can use them to get names of roads or cities, but how?
I have never programmed anything to do with MAPS or space. So how do I get it?
This is called reverse geocoding. Here is a sample code that Does:
map address address; Reverse geocode query = new reverse geocode (); Query.GeoCoordinate = myGeoCoordinate; Query.QueryCompleted + = (s, e) = & gt; {If (e.Error! = Null) return; Address = E. Results [0]. information. Address; }; Query.QueryAsync ();
This API is available on Windows Phone 8 and I think the question is WP7, but when you use the Geolocator
API I think you are on WP8. Otherwise, you will need to use this type of service:
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