How to protect managed solution in CRM 2011 -


I have created a managed solution for CRM 2011. I want that when I give it to the client then it will only work for a year.

Is this possible?

I have done it in various ways, it is not available outside the box, but as glossob As mentioned above, you can complete it with some custom plugins.

If you already have plugins that work, you can add a date / time check at the top of the plugin and throw an exception if they are out of their license period.

You can also create new plugins that retrieve your entities that do the same thing. So if your user has tried to see a list of your unit records outside of their license period, then they will also see an exception pop-up.

You can also put these checks in any Silverlight Web resources that you use, and JavaScript-Web-resources also do not rely on javascript, but it's user friendly message or reminder At least, which they need to obtain a new license.
