javascript - Highcharts custom scaling on y axis - mix of linear and logarithmic -

I am trying to use a logarithmic scale on my chart below:

However, outbound data is much less than inbound data. It does not display correctly in the graph and it looks like there is actually more outbound data than inbound

I want to be on a linear scale up to the maximum value of Y axis (136) and some additional offsets So it should display the linear scale basically up to Rs 150 and from there to 600 (which indicates maximum efficiency) to be logarithmic, is it possible with high chapters? Maybe the best thing to use is a ticking sticker.

The last desired result should be something like this:

Well, this is definitely a mess solution, but you can add two graphs together:

Enter image details here

Bella. High Charch ({chart: {margin top: 1}, title: {margin: 0, text: ''}, yXx : {Max: 100}, export: {enabled: false}, series: [{name: 'one', data: [70.0, 60.9, 90.5, 140.5, 180.2, 210.5, 205.2, 260.5, 230.3, 180.3, 130.9, 90.6]}, {name: 'two', data: [-0.2, 0.8, 50.7, 110.3, 170.0, 220.0, 240.8, 204.1, 200.1, 140.1, 80.6, 20.5]}]}) $ $ ('# Chart: {marginbottom: -1}, title: {text: 'my chart'}, yAxis: {min: 100}, xAxis: {label: {enabled: false}}, legend: {Enabled: false}, Export: {Enabled: False}, Credit: {Enabled: False}, Sh Series: [[name: 'one', data: [70.0, 60.9, 90.5, 140.5, 180.2, 210.5, 205.2, 260.5, 230.3, 180.3, 130.9, 90.6]}, {name: 'two', data: [- 0.2, 0.8, 50.7, 110.3, 170.0, 220.0, 240.8, 204.1, 200.1, 140.1, 80.6, 20.5]}}}});});
