I'm trying to do a simple cylinder path "draws in Expression Blend 4", and well I do not get enough of it is.
(1) I have two oval
and a rectangle
& lt; Grid Background = "Transparent" & gt; & Lt; Ellipse Fill = "Transparent" Height = "13.25" margin = "352,0,352,227" stroke = "black" vertical element = "bottom" /> & Lt; Fill Rectangle = "Transparent" margin = "352,216,352,233" stroke = "black" /> & Lt; Fill the ellipse = "transparent" height = "13.25" margin = "352,209.625,352,0" stroke = "black" verticalAlignment = "top" /> & Lt; / Grid & gt;
( 2) After this, I chose lipse
and rectangle
below, and a combine -> gt; Unite
& gt; Grid Background = "Transparent" & gt; & Lt; Path data = "M0.5,0.5 L47.5,0.5 47.5,47.375 47.5,47.5 47.493931,47.5 47.492325,47.533089 C47.170608,50.84277 36.775898,53.5 24,53.5 11.2241,53.5 0.82939076,50.84277 0.50767487,47.533089 L0. 50606853 , 47.5 0.5,47.5 0.5,47.375 Z "fill =" transparent "margin =" 352216352227 "stretch =" Fill "stroke =" black "/ & gt; & Lt; Fill Ellipse = "transparent" height = "13:25" Margin = "352,209.625,352,0" Stroke = "Black" VerticalAlignment = "top" / & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt;
( 3) After this, I received the top Ellipse
and path
from step 2 and then a path -> gt; Compound path
, then with the direct selection tool, I removed the line cutting on the top lypes
. It looks good to try and implement path
on fill = "green"
& gt; Grid Background = "Transparent" & gt; & Lt; Fill path = "green" data = "M47.5,6.875 L47.5,53.75 47.5,53.875 47.493931,53.875 47.492325,53.908089 C47.170608,57.21777 36.775898,59.875 24,59.875 11.2241,59.875 0.82939076,57.21777 0.50767487,53.908089 L0. 50606853,53k875 0k5,53k875 0k5,53k75 0k5,6k875 M47k5,6k625 C47k5,l0k007744 36k978692,l2k75 24,l2k75 Llk02l308,l2k75 0k5,l0k007744 0k5,6k625 0k5,3k2422559 Llk02l308,0k5 24,0k5 36,978692, 0.5 47.5,6.625 J "margin =" 352,20 9.625,352,227 "fill =" stretch = "stroke =" black "/> & lt; / Grid & gt;
I 'I have tried different things, but how can I get a cylindrical path
for my life, where I can apply the code to my whole code.
upper The last arc for the oval, one row below, one arc for the lower half oval, one row up and half of the upper oval:
fill the path stroke = "black" = " LightGreen "Stretch =" Fill "Data =" M0,0 A50,10 0 0 0 100,0 A50,10 0 0 0,0 M 100,00 L 100,100 A50,10 0 0 1 0,100 L 0 , 0A50,10 0 0 0 100,0 "/>
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