- Refreshing the page takes a long time -

I do not know that when I click on the page to remove the data from Gridview (below) and I 5, 6 seconds to appear with deleted data.

  & lt; ASP: ImageButton ID = "ButtonSpapEnfant" runat = "server" text = "superprimer" style = "float: left;" Width = "35px" OnClick = "ButtonSuppEnfant_Click" CssClass = "btn screen only" descriptionUrl = "~ / images / remove.png" height = "28px" ImageUrl = "~ / images / remove.png" />  

When I put it:

  & asp: UpdatePanel id = "Update Pencil 1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; ContentTemplate & gt; ............ HTML code & lt; / Content template & gt; & Lt; / ASP: UpdatePanel & gt;  

And I click on the 'Delete' button for example, the result is very fast, I can see the deleted line in my gridview. The problem is that I can not cancel this tag because I want it in another operation


When you click on the button, your page does a postback, and you will be Page_load again.

Make sure your page_load is fast to execute. You can use IsPostBack to ignore some code on PostBack

  Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {if (IsPostBack) {// your code}} < / Code> 
