node.js - Running jekyll as a child process in Gulp/Node -

I Gulp.js. I'm trying to create a jacail site using I have read that I should not use a plugin

I am checking to suggest a child's process but I get an error:

  events .js: 72 feet er; // Unchecked 'error' event ^ Error: Disturbances on Distortion ENOENT exception (child_process.js: 988: 11) on process. Balprkriya__handlkonksit (child_process.js: 779: 34)  

Here's my Gulp file:

  var gulp = need ( 'Gulp'); Var spawn = required ('child_process'). Eggs; Var gutil = require ('Gull-use'); Gulpktask ( 'Jekyll', function () (eggs ( 'Jekyll', [ 'Build'], {stdio: 'inherit'});}); Gulp.task ( 'default', [ 'jekyll']) ;  

What am I doing wrong? I am node 0.10.25, at Win 7.

Edit I already have ENOENT was Google around errors checked my way and Ruby and I can run jekyll from the command line is still no joy.

I also had this problem and got the answer to using the spawn.

The problem is this How node finds Aksekyutebls on Windows for more information refer to the answer:

In short, Spawn ( 'Jekyll', [ 'Build']) < / Code> to spawn ('jekyll.bat', ['build']) to get eggs to work.
