php - wrong number value returning from mysqli select -

I am trying to store user information in mysql db and return it in the browser window, I get the row number I am doing data data than the data that should be stored in it. Since I used mysql or php, it's been a while since.

  & lt ;? Join Php // database ('db-connect.php'); Echo "
User email echo:". $ User_profile ['email']; $ Fb_id = $ user_profile ['id']; $ Fb_id = mysqli_real_escape_string ($ dbc, $ fb_id); // mysqli_real // check if the user exists then $ check_user = mysqli_query ($ dbc, "select * from user where fb_id = '$ fb_id';"); $ Check_user_result = mysqli_fetch_row ($ check_user); If ($ check_user_result [0] == 0) {echo '& lt; Br / & gt; No such user exists'; Enter value in the $ add_user = mysqli_query ($ dbc, "user (user_id, email, first_name, last_name, fb_id) value ('', ''. $ User_profile ['email']. '', '". $ User_profile [' First_name '].', '"$ User_profile [.' Last_name '].' ','" $ User_profile [. 'Id']. '') "); } Else {echo "br> & gt; already registered & lt; br / & gt; before this there should be a Facebook ID". $ Fb_id; $ Get_user_db_info = mysqli_query ($ dbc, "Select from users"); While ($ row = mysqli_fetch_array ($ get_user_db_info)) {// then echo for your loop '& lt; Br / & gt; User_id: '. $ Line ['user_id']. '& Lt; Br / & gt; Email: '$. Line ['user_id']. '& Lt; Br / & gt; first name:'. $ Line ['user_id']; }}? & Gt;

Any help will be great and can provide more information if needed.

You are repeatedly outputing the same value:

 < Code> echo & lt; Br / & gt; User_id: '. $ Line ['user_id']. ' & Lt; Br / & gt; E-mail: '. $ Line ['user_id']. ' & Lt; Br / & gt; first name: '. $ Line ['user_id']; ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^  
