android - google maps OutOfMemory -

I have Android Google Maps v2. I need to post thumbnails on the map. When I do this with 300-500 images (3-6kb each) it works fine, but when I try to post 800 more images, So I get an outoffime error. I am peating my head against the wall, in the end, I try to write images for the external store and post the images from there, but I'm out of the back Ri went to find.

PS When I simply load thumbnails from the network and write it in external memory then it works fine.

My question is: Can I post a 10-D image (for example) on Google Maps without an OutOffly error? Please help me Let me destroy your head.

My code that sets the image on my map

  marker = googleMap.addMarker (new marker option.) Position (status) .title (title) .snippet (distance)) .con (bitmap descriptor freator. Frammatmap (method. Bitmap resize (70 , 70, (Bitmapdableable photo) .getBitmap ())));  
