Create 2 contacts in the CRM UI, the first one is "FN1", the lastname "LN1", the second is Firstname "FN2" is LastName "ln2"
CRMServerContext is an organization service service.
list & lt; Contacts & gt; FirstNameContacts = (CRMServerContext.CreateQuery & lt; Contact & gt; () where c.FirstName == "fn1" c.FirstName == "fn2" select c) .toList (); Forchach (CR in first name contacts) {Bull Attached = Contact on CRMS. ISAcrated (C); } List & lt; Contacts & gt; LastNameContacts = (CRMServerContext.CreateQuery & lt; Contact & gt; () where c.LastName == "ln1" c.LastName == "ln2" c) .Olist (); Forchach (CR in first name contacts) {Bull Attached = Contact on CRMS. ISAcrated (C); }
The first foreach "enclosed" is true for each contact that has 2 built in UI.
Retrieve the next two identical contacts, but use LastName as the criteria.
The result is false in the second result "attached" reporting, even though it is running through the same list as before and there is no modification in the list?
Both contacts are returned by both questions, should the reference still not be reported as "enclosed" as true?
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