cordova - JQuery Mobile data-direction=reverse isn't reversing -

I have found this question and it has been searched and already got two answers, but none of these Not working, I am using PhoneGAP with JQM 1.4.0 and after returning I can only get the changes. My code looks like this:

  & lt; A href = "event-list.html" data-rel = "back" data-transition = "slide" data-direction = "reverse" & gt; Go back & lt; / A & gt;  

And for some reason I am just changing the changes and not the reverse.

EDIT: I can not even back a different transition, then the transition was going forward I returned the data-transition = "flow" setting and Tried to keep the back button data-transition = "slide" and I'm going back to whenever a flow transition (and no reverse transition)).
