I have just started the SEF URL and when I navigate my website using the menu then it works fine Used to be.
But when I click on the link generated from an article, the URL displayed in the URL field is corrupt. I get:
instead of
< Code> http://mywebsite.org/fr/publications/comprendre/livres/pinker
The problem in short is that the generated SEF is like the URL menu? Alias Instead of having an ID = menu, / categoryAlias / ArticleAlias
I use a non-SEF URL (as in the past) for my link:
href = "index.php? Option = com_content and view = Article & amp; id = 375 & (thanked 265 = menu publication and id 375 = article pink)
previous>I came across a solution but it is not working:
href = "& lt ;? Php echo JRUT :: _ ('index.php? Option = com_content and view = article & amp; id = 54 & amp; itemid = 20'); ? & Gt; "
With any thought, I have to set my href, so I get a SEF (real) URL in my new tab, when I add it to an article? < / P>
Thank you very much!
On the SEF URL, if you want to create a static link Articles from within a module or any other article, you will use the SEF URL of the article (of course it will be some hard work). To link to better way content or menu item, use the JCE link manager.
Now, the concept of SEF URL in Joomla works like this: If you use a specific URL for an article If you want to, you need to create a relative menu item, and name it SEF url. (Note: this will use the nickname).
Many articles that fall under category Is where you Ratyek not want to create a menu item or not, you need to make before the class menu for that category. And this article will use the alias and RE of the menu item alias Tilik their Sif URL.
* Notice, similar questions have been answered again in the stack overflow.
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