objective c - Date comparison in coredata NSPredicate -

I am using CoreData in my application. Some date values ​​are stored in the coredata form as NSString . In my interface builder I have a text field. When I enter a date on my textfield, this date will compare dates saved in coredata.

What is the solution will be done? This way it can not be worked on my project because I want to change the string on my NSPredicate method.

My code is

  NSPredicate * p3 = [NSPredicate predicate.WithFormat: @ "acc_date" =% @ and acc_date  acc_date  database that is stored as  the date  and  date1  Information If you want to keep collecting dates in the form of stars, then you can not make any comparison as you are trying. 

If you store them as an actual NSDate example, your comparison will work. This issue is not with your bills, but how do you rate your data in core data Are archived.

I suggest migrating your database, either with heavy migration or manual migration. If your data is disposable, then I will change the field and reset my database to use the NSDate examples.
