Simplifying Boolean Expression (A'BC) + (A'B'C) + (A'BC) + (AB'C) -

Please help me with this one simple. I'm a little new to them ..

  (ABC) + (ABC) + (ABC) + (ABCC)  

The book I use shows and answers, which is,

  answer = a-b + bc  

I tried to simplify, but Let me stick with two excursions,
My simplification goes so far ...

  (ABC) + (ABC) + (A ' BC) + (ABCC) A (BC 'BCC) + C (A'B + AB')  

This is not the way to write, please Make C simple to help me,
and please show step-by-step, because I'm new in a way ..
Apart from this, I can not find how to simplify EXOR

You have the rule X '+ X = True . SO

  (ABC) + + (ABC) + (ABC) + (ABCC) = (ABC) + (ABC) + (A ' BC) + (ABCC) = // Just the word 'A' B (C 'C) + (A' A) B 'C = 1 Factoring A' B + B 'C  
