javascript - Drawing flot chart in timeseries between 0 and 24 hours -

I am now using the float library.

I have a function that draws data, the data object looks like this:

  {"data": [[temperature1, temp2, temp3, ..]] }  

and I want to place this array between 0hour and 24 hours , but my code does not work, And it just freeze this page after calling func (It's probably complicated for the customer to attract about 8000 points)

Format time Should: "% h:% m"

  f Nkshn Plotdeta (data) {var d1 = []; Var increments = 3600 / data ['data'] [0]. Length; (Var i = -2211663600; i & lt; data ['data'] [0]. Length, i- = increments) {d1.push ([i, data ['data'] [0] [i ]]; } Var option = {xaxes: [{mode: "time", time format: "% h:% m", axis label: 'time', min: (new date (0, 0, 0, 00, 00, 00 , 00)). GetTime (), Max: (New Date (0, 0, 0, 24, 00, 00, 00)) getTime (),}], yaxes: [{axisLabel: 'y-axis',}]}; $ Plot ("#Plot 1D", [D1], Options);  

Thank you in advance :)

Starting your loop one Negative number, subtraction, and only ends when it becomes more than the length of an array, which is non-negative; In other words, the loop will never end; This conspiracy call is not reaching even. For example, if you have 100 temperatures in the array, then the loop will be effectively:

 for  (var i = - 2211663600; i  
