I am using Ubuntu and am as part of my assignment, text sentiment analysis. I saved as'm creating a training set for classifying text using Naiwuves Clasifayriyr, many files I have sentences and sent1.txt, sent2.txt. . . And a file that is named label.txt is sent
label.txt .1.txt: pos sent2.txt: pos ... sent 15: txt: neg sent16.txt: neg
are stored in the sent files and Lblktekst files \ home \ abha. I tried it
nltk.corpus.reader import CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader reader = CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader ( '.', R '. * \ .txt', cat_file = 'cats / cats.txt') < / code>
Please must let me know what my third argument?
Store the .txt file and sent files.
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