cmd - 'Remote' access via net-use on W7 Home Premium, password required? -

I'm trying to use the Net Usage command to connect to my other laptop, but I have problems Another computer is being used by other family members, and therefore its password is not.

  Pure Access \\ LaptopName * / User: User  

This then asks for a password, so I just hit the hit - and it is not

I read and thought that I got the answer to my problem, I have permission to go in.

I have read that in order to allow connection between accounts without password, I may need to change a setting.

But the Group Policy W7 is not included in Home Premium.

What settings can I change on Windows 7 Home Premium that will allow connections in this remote (though within the same LAN) connection?

I believe the registry key that controls the behavior

 < Code> HKLM \ System \ Are you seeing something called ' LimitBlankPasswordUs '?  

I try to open an "advanced" command prompt, and do this:

  reg add hklm \ system \ currentcontrolset \ control \ lsa \ / v LimitBlankPasswordUs / T REG_DWORD / d 0x0 operation completed successfully.  
