I want to keep a photo path in json object and pass it in javascript in java
< Pre> JSONObject property = new JSONObject (); Assets.put ("Media", PropertyLoader.getStringValue ("PICTURE_DIRECTORY") + "/" + leventPhoto.getFile () .GetName ());
When I find it in jsp file in javascript, it looks like:
"media": "c: \ / users \ / joao \ /workspace\/.metadata\/.plugins\/org.eclipse.wst.server.core\/tmp1\/wtpwebapps\/RememberMeServer\/images\/02.jpg "
What can I do to prepare the separator inside JSONObject displayed in javascript?
The data inside Javascript is read , it will have a proper name. This is just the escape sequence, which does not change the value of the data. For example, in a JavaScript console:
var x = "foo / / bar"; Var y = "afu / bar"; X == y // true
I am surprised that the forward slash is being escaped - just "C: / Users / joao / ...
work fine - but it should not make any difference to the actual value.
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