android - RoboGuice @Observes do not work in release build -

I'm using Robogues's event manager in my app as shown here

and this debug Works entirely in Build, but do not trigger events in the release build - possibly due to Progress Obscuration

I tried to keep methods and classes related to handling progress, but I think I am doing something wrong:

This is what I tried to configure progress

  --keep class * # Keep all event categories - keepclasseswithmembers class * * zero * * (* *); } # Name the named methods on events, such as OnUserClickedEvent  

There are handlers in my main activity class like:

  User-classed event (@ Observe Userclit Event) on Public Zero {...}  After reading more about Proguard, the solution ... I changed the work signature and modified the Proguard config to: 

  -keep class * -keepclasseswithmembers class * {void onEvent * (...); }  
