c# - Authenticating with openstack.net API cloud files using London account -

When I use:

  Cloud Identity Identity = New Cloud Identity () { Username = "btctrader.files.user", APIKey = "74d7c2d97b6441b79a403b5796d65137",}; Var _storage = new CloudFilesProvider (identity);  

Authentication fails I felt the problem is that I have a LOON account and the default authentication target is US Cloud Example on Openstack.net Wiki, I saw the following example.

  IIdentityProvider identityProvider = New CloudIdentityProvider (); Var userAccess = identityProvider.Authenticate (new RackspaceCloudIdentity {user name = "MyUserName", password = "MyPassword", CloudInstance = CloudInstance.UK});  

In the latest version of the library, RackspaceCloudIdentity has domain parameters instead of CloudInstance. I think the date of the example is.

How do I use domain parameters? Or is there a better way to certify with lawn cloud example?

Rackspace now uses global authentication, so the U.S. And the difference between UK accounts is the only credentials you give. If the authentication is failing, then one of the following is the potential issue:

  1. Your username and / or API key Cloudindenty example is not correct.
  2. Specifically the identification service has experienced any outage of a particular time on which you tried to prove it.
  3. Authentication is successful, but another error which has been attributed to the failed certification (you have not provided any exception details, so I can not exclude it).
