jsf - primefaces - editable dynamic table -

Disclaimer - this is not DUP (read both earlier)

I am trying to adapt this solution for my reference -

I have a dynamic table like this

Managed by

  @ ManagedBean @ViewScoped Public Class Membership SerialJobs {Private list & lt; String & gt; Column = new Array's & lt; String & gt; (); Private listing & lt; Maps & lt; String, string & gt; & Gt; Information; Private listing & lt; Maps & lt; String, string & gt; & Gt; Filtered data; Personal string default column sorting; CellEdit (Cell Edit Event Event) at Public Zero {System.out.println (event.getRowIndex ()); } (...)  


  & lt; p: DataTable var = "DataRow" value = "# {myMB.data}" in paginator = "true" rows = "10" paginatorTemplate = "{} {RowsPerPageDropdown FirstPageLink} {} {PreviousPageLink CurrentPageReport} {} {NextPageLink LastPageLink} "rowsPerPageTemplate =" 10,50,100 "emptyMessage =" Any site found with the criteria "filteredValue =" # {MyMB.filteredData} "editable =" true sort "edit mode =" sales "=" # {myMB .defaultColumnSort} "id =" rowsTable "& gt; & Lt; P: ajax event = "celledit" listener = "# {myMB.onCellEdit}" /> & Lt; Ui: delete & gt; & Lt; P: Column value = "# {myMB.columns}" var = "column" columnIndexVar = "colIndex" sortBy = "# {column}" filterBy = "# {column}" filterMatchMode = "includes" & gt; & Lt; F: aspect names = "header" & gt; # {Column} & lt; / F: Aspect & gt; & Lt; P: cellEditor & gt; & Lt; F: Aspect Name = "Output" & gt; & Lt; H: outputtext value = "# {datarko [column]}" /> & Lt; / Ch: Aspect & gt; & Lt; F: Aspect name = "input" & gt; & Lt; P: Input Text id = "modelInput" value = "# {dataRow [column}}" style = "width: 96%" / & gt; & Lt; / Ch: Aspect & gt; & Lt; / P: cellEditor & gt; & Lt; / P: column & gt; & Lt; / Ui: delete & gt; & Lt; C: forEach item = "# {myMB.columns}" var = "column" varStatus = "loop" & gt; & Lt; P: column headerText = "# {column}" & gt; & Lt; P: cellEditor & gt; & Lt; F: Aspect Name = "Output" & gt; & Lt; H: outputtext value = "# {datara [loop index] .value}" /> & Lt; / Ch: Aspect & gt; & Lt; F: Aspect name = "input" & gt; & Lt; P: Input Text = "# {DotRao [loop.index] .value}" /> & Lt; / Ch: Aspect & gt; & Lt; / P: cellEditor & gt; & Lt; / P: column & gt; & Lt; / C: foreach & gt; Part of the UI: Removes the tasks (if I remove the UI, then explicitly remove the tag) and shows me a non-editable table.  

I am trying to add P: Cell editors behavior of these cells, but because it does not work with P: column, gives the suggestion to use the above link: c: P: P: column in multiple p: column items and, for each of them,: cell editor.

The link given above also refers to a dead link: - (

The problem is: Part of the UI: Remove the compile and show the table with empty cells , so it looks like I'm wrong with the syntax value of J: outputtext values.

what is the proper way to declare the cell material in this case?

I am using Prime 4.

The problem Was in the line

  & lt; p: Column value = "# {mappingEngineSearchMB.columns}" var = "column" columnIndexVar = "colIndex" sortBy = "# {column}" filterBy = "# {Column}" filterMatchMode = "c ontains">  

Because the table can be searched and filtered, these values ​​were expected.

because Jesaf so discrete, it is anyone that this error did not (JSF soooooooooo discrete) and just decided to really put all the empty tables

now table Works fine.
