objective c - Wbkit WebView Crashes For Google Images OS 10.9 -

Can I load it without crashing in a web preview? Unfortunately, Xcode does not appear to be more error, except that it shows the 9 com.app.NSURL connection

However if I set the URL just like [http://google.com] The code works without any problem, but if I load the URL to Google Images, then the window load is OK and then the webw load is loaded with the Google Image Page and then after 3 seconds it crashes

I have all the necessary infrastructure and imports Programming is added.

Environment is: Xcode 5.0.2 OS: The latest OS X 10.9

Here is the code: .h file

  @property (weak) IBOutlet WebView * webView;  

.m file

  - (zero) windowedloadload {[super window loadload]; NSURLRequest * Request = [NSRR request request with url: [NSUr URL YouthString: @ "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&q=moon" ]]; [Self.Web.Manframe loader: request]; [Self vive setlayer users core image filter: yes]; }  

I apologize, please ignore my question because it works by creating a new project Had to do in Xcode
