php - Unable to start Hbase Thrift server -

I have installed Ubuntu 12.04 in my Ubuntu system, in Hadop 1.2.1 and HbS 0.94.8 installed. Everything is working fine and all the deamons are running, I have downloaded and installed Thrust 0.9.1 to use the hbase using php.

But when I try to start the savings server using the command

$ thrift-version

/ P>
  $ /usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.94.8/bin/hbase saving start  

The savings server starts to start but Terminal hanging at a certain point. The last few lines of the terminal

14/02/19 15:30:48 Information access via mortbay.log: org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter (org.mortbay.log) Org .mortbay.log.Slf4jLog

14/02/19 15:30:48 Information http.HttpServer: global filterability added (class = org.apache.hadoop.http.HttpServer $ QuotingInputFilter)

14/02/19 15:30:48 Information returned from the http.HttpServer: webserver.getConnectors () [0] port. OpenLocalPort () open before (1) Opening the listener on 9 9 9

14/02/19 15:30:48 Information http.HttpServer: listener.getLocalPort () has 9095 web server. GetConnectors () [0] received .getLocalPort (returned to 90 9)

14/02/19 15:30:48 Information http.HttpServer: port to Jetty by 9095

14/02/19 15:30:48 Information mortbay.log: jetty-6.1.26

14/02/19 15:30:48 INFO mortbay.log: StartChannelconnector0.0.0.0: 9095

14/02/19 15:30:48 DEBUG Throwshift. Throft ServerRunner: Use of Binary Protocol

14/02/19 15:30:48 Info Throoft. TrippersSystems: Thread Paul Solar on TBound Starting /; After waiting for about 15 minutes, I will

  http: //         P>  // localhost: 9 090  

In my web browser the terminal was still hanged. The page did not open but the terminal showed an error message

# java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java Hip Space

# --xx: OnOffFileArchocar = "kill -9% p "

# execution / bin / sh-c" kill-9 18526 "...


Please suggest me What is the plan.


itemprop = "text">

Please try the following command to start the Hbase saving service:

  bin / start saving  
