c# - Creating Dynamic Pivot Item -

At this time, I have some JSON strings that appear in this link:

I want to To make it that I make the spindle objects equally as array "chunks" in JSON. This is my attempt code:

  PureVid readnow_DownloadStringCompleted (Object Sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs E) {try {string jsonStr = e.Result; If (! String.ISNLL Actress (JSNST)) {Jobics Objects = Job Purse (JasonSTR); Jerere array = (Jair) objects ["section"]; Snack Chuck [] chunks = new snack. Chunk [array]. For (int i = 0; i  

This code is going on and I have checked that I have completely filled 'Chuck' completely, but the problem is that there is no pivotal thing Was created. where did I go wrong? If you want any details on other class files please tell me thank you for your help :)
