I searched for a command line argument to convert a series of images in H.264 using CISCO H.264 I am (Some FFMPEG like image for video functionality) Unfortunately, I can not use FFMPEG since I'm building a commercial application, where I use codec installed in the client system to encode a series of images in H.264. I think FFMPEG does not have a license for H644 binary in the form of CCCO H264 which has paid royalties for MPEGLA. If not wrong then It would be great to give suggestions regarding both.
Based on how you want to use it, OpenH264 is compiled and used in your free software. Details can be found here:
As the video says, when you do your own application / software coding, there are two scenarios in it:
< P> 1) You are free to use OpenH264 source code directly in your app. MPEG-LA patent royalties that are generated from this also apply even if your application is free (see quotes below) Your app's software license does not matter - it can also be open, closed or commercial. In addition, Whether you sell it or not, it does not matter. What matters is how many units you actually distribute, even then, it is not as bad as what you think. If you distribute 100,000 units per year, you will not give any royalties (see MPEG-LA license terms) Thus, if you write for free (like no cost) software, then you can compile OpenH264 directly , And your user is not required to force the plug-in to recover, and there is no need to worry about lawyers until you>2) If you have MPEG-L royalties If you wish to avoid, you should not compile the OpenH 264 source code, but the ability to download the OpenH 264 plug-in binaries to the end user is your application. You distribute your own compiled application Do not distribute plug-in binaries directly, but your user can point them out or even give your app user the option to recover them. Most importantly, the decision to withdraw the OpenH264 plug-in has to be with the end user, when your app needs to be installed or run. Cisco end user is paying royalties that are generated from the OpenH 264 plugin, and since your commercial app only loads the plugin, they can do this for you.
Again, you are free to either choose the option above. In both cases, it does not matter whether your app is open, closed, free or commercial or not, how do you want to cover distribution royalty option 1, how many downloads do you pay (depending on your software) How much sold). Option 2, Cisco pays them, if your app connects to their plug-ins that is received by your app user by choice.
More sources:
(Please note, I'm not a lawyer. This is my own Cisco H.264 video and MPEG-LA licensing agreement. There is a technical explanation. The last bottom line is that if you distribute software licenses or 100,000 units for payment, talk to an attorney, less than that, do not worry.)
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