IntelliJ IDEA 13 gives invalid error about incompatible types (Java-Scala-InterOp in Play) -

I have now advanced from IDE12 to 13 (community edition) and since then I have been talking about the inconsistent types of IDEA Error gets play project.

  Options & lt; String & gt; AuthHeaderOption = requestHeader.headers (). Get (AUTHORIZATION);  

The request header type is of play.api.mvc.RequestHeader. The error message states:

  Incompatible type found: 'scala.Option & lt; Java.lang.String & gt; ', Required:' scala.Option & lt; Java.lang.String & gt;  

So it complains about those types that are incompatible, but at the same time says that the necessary and found type are identical.

, then the compilation works.

The error occurs in a Java class called the Scala Play API. There was no such error before the IntelliJ upgrade, so it should be an IDE issue, but I still can not figure out.

Has anyone seen this type of error before?

"file -> invalid cache / restart ..." press the menu item.
