Android setVisibility to GONE in a View part of a DialogFragment which implements OnItemClickListener -
I have a class that encompasses DialogFragment and OnItemClickListener.
In this dialog fragrance I have a view called rootview, where I grow my main view when I press a button, I create two views:
SelectItemForm = rootView.findViewById (; PartForm = rootView.findViewById (; // Choose switch formsTypeformSetVisibility (see .invisible); PortionForm.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE);
In this way, the following sequence sequence is the original view> select the formform> part farm.
However, when I press the back button in part I instead selectIfemform to return to rootew.
I have also created a major listener:
Partform.SetOnCalister (new view. Onkelist () {@ Override Public Boolean Onki (see V, Int kikod, KeyEvent Event} {Log V. (TAG + "_setPortionFormOnKeyListener", "I have clicked on the back button."); See if (keycode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {// switch forms (see ShareForm.getVisibility () == VISIBLE) {partForm.setVisibility (see INVISIBLE); selectItemForm.setVisibility (see Visual Studio); return true;}} return false;}});
However, this keyloster is never called, so it is not working either
thanks in advance for all help
@Override public boolean overview (int keycode, keyEvent event) {if (keycode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {if ( See ShareForm.getVisibility () ==.Visual) {portionForm.setVisibility (see. INVISIBLE); SelectItemForm.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE); }} Return super. Nkup (keycod, incident); }
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