iphone - How to print out a list of currently connected bluetooth accessories in IOS -

I am working for an application, we are trying to log in that an iDevice external GPS accessories such as XGPS . I think how to do it.

I understand that with a (NSArray *) reclaimed connectiferrals service: (NSArray *) service UUID call which can help but I 'm sure What should I use for serviceUUIDs and I really did not get much from the documentation. I think I'm searching for the Service UUID (presentation by CBUIDID objects).

Should there be some sort of standardized list in the Bluetooth device? I did not find a GPS listing here:

So in summary:

There is an easy way to query and connect on the Bluetooth Bluetooth tooth device in iOS 7 and if Is there anyone who can provide a code sample?

Thank you

  / * Store currently access to all bluetooth Are * / NSArray * AccessoryList = [[EAAccessoryManager sharedAccessoryManager] Connected Accessories]; (AASOCATORY * ACC in the accessory list) {// Here you can do all your stuff by accessing ACC acc.firmwareRevision; Acc.hardwareRevision; Acc.manufacturer; Acc.modelNumber; Acc.serialNumber; Acc.name; // etc}  
