clojure - Values of Listbox with Seesaw -

By any means can I get values ​​in a list box as a collection, which is to close the closure Can handle?

The most I've got is a jellist who can not handle the closure.

/ edit: To illustrate: For example, I have a new element on all the elements of a list box and congee but because the return value of the listbox is a jellist, Closer can not do this naturally

"post-text" itemprop = "text">

You can use the method to obtain and then use the getElementAt and getSize method to create an array or list or whatever you want.

  (def-myList (jellist data)) (def-data (in-array string ["one" "two" "three" "four"]) (-> gt; myList .getModel ((Segment B)))) (Apply vector) (# (conj% "five")) ((Sezest Identity (memfn getSize)) ((fn [[ab]] (map # (get.lement one%)) )  
