cypher - Spring Data Neo4j repository returning empty collection -

I'm having problems with the part of my project that uses spring-data-neo4j I get node unit class Gone:

  @ nodEntTty type aliase ("advertising") public class advertisement {@GraphId Private Long Node ID; @ Indexed (index name = "adid", exclusive = true) Private long id; @ Ft @ related to (type = "container", direction = directions. OTGOING) private collection & lt; Keyword & gt; Keywords; ...  

and the repository for this way:

  @Query (value = "START ad1 = node ({adv}) MATCH Ad1- [r1: happens] - & gt; keyword & lt; - [r2: is in it] -Small return equal speed {param_offset} LIMIT {param_limit} ") Unstable & lt; Advertising & gt; Searchable ads (@Param ("adv") Advertising Advertising, Ultimate ("param_limit") full range, @Param ("Paramaffets" offset offset); @action (value = "start ad1 = node: adId (id = {p_id}) match ad 1- [r1: is in it] -> keyword & lt; - [r2: it happens] -Small return Similar SPEP {param_offset} LIMIT {param_limit} ") Attractable & lt; Advertising & gt; FindMediaEducationBiID (@Param ("p_id") Long ID, absolute ("param_limit") full range, @ param ("paragraphoffset" offset offset);  

Then test something that does something like this:

  1. Build Keyword 1, Create Keyword 2 - OK

  2. Create an ad node with keyword 123456 with keyword 1 and keyword 2 - OK

  3. Keyword 1 - OK

    START Advertisement = node:

  4. Code> adId ( id = {0}) returns advertising parameter {0 = 654321} < / P>
  5. Meet similar ads SimililarAds () and argue that advertising from the previous step - works well, this advertisement ad with the 123456 ID:

    < P> START ad1 = node ({adv}) match ad1- [r1: happens] -> keyword and lieutenant; - [R2: happens] - Equal Return Similar SPEP {param_offset} LIMIT {param_limit} parameter {param_offset = 0, param_limit = 10, adv = 48}

  6. After this Get similar ads with FindSimilarAdsById () method - ID logic is 654321L. The result query looks like this:

    START ad1 = node: adId (id = {p_id}) MATCH ad1- [r1: Occurs] -> keyword & lt; - [r2: is in it] -Similar returns equal Skype {Param_offset} LIMIT {param_limit} param {param_offset = 0, p_id = 654321, param_limit = 10}

but It is returning empty .xxResultBuilder Example (am trying to get elements with Ierableator) instead of the Iterable archive with ad 123456. I have tried almost everything which I can think, by any success, am I missing something important?

> Version:

  • Spring-Data-NEO 4J 2.3.3 .RELEASE
  • NEO 4j-cipher DSL 1.8
  • Spring Content 3.1 .4.RELEASE
  • Spring-Data-neo4j-aspects 2.3.2.RELEASE

I think that you run in the numerical indexing issue, which is not usable with the cipher

If you

  @ indexed ( IndexName = "adId", unique = true, numeric = false), personalized long id;  

It should work.

Or as a parameter of ValueContext.numeric (id) code> method instead of long id .

We handle automated searches for derivative searchers, but for user-defined queries, we do not know how you actually pass.
