ios - Xcode 5 continuous integration CodeSign fail -

Hi there I try to configure continuous integration for my iOS app with Xcode 5 and OS X Server I am doing I have added the certificate and P12 to the system's chinaine, I have also copied the provisioning profile for profiles to the server folder. Unity fails and log error message shows

short message:

command / usr / bin / codesign out Exit code failed with 1

Full message:

codesign / library / server / xcode / data / botruns / cache / c60acccd-d128-d128 -b0e3-070a65bdd9dc / DerivedData / Build / intermediate / ArchiveIntermediates / MomentSeller / InstallationBuildProductsLocation / application / CD / Library / server / Xcode / data / BotRuns / cache / c60acccd-d128-d128-b0e3- 070a65bdd9dc / source / moment setenv CODESIGN_ALLOCATE /Applications/ .xctoolchain / usr / bin / codesign_allocate setenv path "/Applications/ application / Xcodekapp / content / Developer / usr / bin: / usr / bin: / bin: / usr / sbin: / sbin "code using signature detection to" iPhone distribution :. company name (ZX6C5SJYP9) "profile" provision Moment Know production "(E6FC8157-98F3-4A28-BFF3- 36EFA6334019) Codeign --force --sign C2F81E886780437B90630A748111D3340DC8EFC8 - Source-Rule = / Library / Server / Xcode / Data / BotRuns / Cache / c60acccd-d128-d128-b0e3- 070a65bdd9dc / DerivedData / Build / Intermediates / ArchiveIntermediates / MomentSeller / InstallationBuildProductsLocation / Applications / / ResourceRules.plist --net Lilly / server / Xcode / data / BotRuns / Cache / c60acccd-d128-d128-b0e3-070a65bdd9dc / DerivedData / Biild / Intridiyets / Arkivintrmeedets / Mumentslr / Intridaytbildfailenpath / Mmennt. Build / Release - Ephonos / Momentersar Build / Momentular Accent / Library / Server / Akskod / data / Botrn / cache / C 60 Siseedeedi-D 128-D 128-B 0 A 0 C 070 A 65 Bede HD 9 DC / Derivetdeta / Biild / Intridiyets / Arkivintrmeedets / Mumentsiyr / Instoleshnbiild Projects Location / Applications of / Monstselr.ap / Library / server / Akskod / data / Bitiarns / cache / C 60 Siseedeedi-D 128-D 128-B 0 A 0 C 070 A 65 B 0 D 0 DC / Derivetdeta / Build / Intermediate / ArchiveInternidates / Momentersler / Insta LlationBuildProductsLocation / Applications / User Contact is not allowed. Command / usr / bin / codesign failed with exit code 1

** archive failed **

The creation of the following command failed: codesign / library / server / xcode / Data / BotRuns / cache / c60acccd-d128-d128-b0e3-070a65bdd9dc / DerivedData / build / intermediate / ArchiveIntermediates / MomentSeller / InstallationBuildProductsLocation / Applications / (1 failure)

Any thoughts? Thank you.

I have run myself in this problem, this blog helped me

As Posted by Dominic Crovvar:

User's contact is not allowed Command / USR / Bin / Codestine failed with failed code 1

This error occurs when the following setting is not done manually as described in the above steps, you can use code signing in the system keychain Shr to put Mobailprofail for. The certificate is called the iPhone Distribution. This distribution certificate should contain a private key! Open the setting dialog or double click on the private key or via the context menu> Get information then go to Access Control and enter / usr / bin / codeign in the table. This coding application allows you to sign your built-in application. After that everything should work without void codesign error exit code 1.
