java - How to dis/enable dynamically created comboboxes in an order -

We have a complex form where combibox is dynamically created and compared to the database (called 5) . The problem is that they have to be chosen in order: In the beginning, only the first person should be able to change, changing its values ​​will be able to do the next one and more. I understand this example, but form is stable there.

There are some pseudo guides running here:

   & Lt; P: Ajax update = "Chunides?" Audience = "# {bean.handleStateChanged}" /> & Lt; / P: selectOneMenu & gt; & Lt; / P: column & gt; & Lt; / P: DataGrid & gt;  

The problem is I do not know how to first find CB and enable it and how to disable others and how To re-enable them based on your dynamic ID and order of attendance .

Thanks in advance.

On the list of objects as a data grid, I think that you do something like that Can:

  & lt; P: dataGrid id = "datagrid" var = "var" value = "# {bean.listOfThins}" & gt; & Lt; P: column ... & gt; & Lt; P: selectOneMenu value = "{var.selectedValue} disabled =" # {var.disabled} "& gt; & lt; f: selectItems value =" # {some.value} "/> 
: Ajax Update = "Datagrid" listener = "# {bean. HandleStateChanged (var)}" /> gt; & lt; / p: SelectionOn menu & gt; & lt; / p: column & gt; & lt; / p: Datagrid & Gt;

By changing the handlasts in this way, you know what the combo has changed and what CB can be enabled in the list. Besides, you can update the whole datagroup. So that you do not need to be accurately identified. ID
