Does the snapshot actually be created in OpenBruv, how to create and restore it. I am new to OpenBravvo and I have no information about it. I have a Ubuntu OS running on my machine with the Oberbrowo 3 and PostgreScle 8.4 database.
Any help would be greatly appreciated if you are a newbie developed with the Openbravo framework, then you have an example and are running, and you want to start some tests, your current situation Creating a snapshot of it, if you have something wrong then you have an easy way to go back.
Snapshot actually creates a database dump and also creates a backup of its OpenBrowsource folder by using anti-script.
You can manually create a database dump by right clicking on the database and by selecting the Backup option, and doing this for the OpenBravo source folder.
To create a snapshot, follow this step.
Step 1: Get the snapshot script code, copy the code and save it as a snapshot.xml
Step 2: You can ask for a CD / Home / OpenBrowO (Your OpenBrau Instance folder)
to create a snapshot before going to your Open Bravo source folder. Enter the following command ant -f snapshot.xml
Replace it In order to do this, enter the following command ant -f snapshot.xml restoration
Check the link for more information
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