I have a problem with titanium to correspond with my server in the network, on the server's IP port Is 8000 (a node .js server). If I do not say a problem with the server from the browser, but if I try to call the server from Titanium application, then this error "I failed to respond to the target server" and no calls were received in the server log < / P>
This is my network.js file in the application
function HttpRequest (url, type, args, functionOnSuccss, functionOnError, timeout) {// args JSON parameters OPTIONAL Ti API.log ("[HTTP REQ] call" + url); // --- # ok string ------ var xhr = titanium.network.kreate.httipclient (); Xhr.open (type, url); Xhr.cache = false; Xhr.enableKeepAlive = Wrong; Xhr.timeout = timeout? Timeout: 500000; Xhr.setRequestHeader ("content-type", "app / json"); // xhr.setRequestHeader ("cookie", 'JSESSIONID =' + cookie + ''); Xhr.onload = function (e) {Ti.API.info ("[HTTP] response" + this.responseText); FunctionOnSuccss (this.responseText); }; Xhr.errorerror = function (e) {Ti.API.info ("error" + E. terror); // warning ("connection error"); FunctionOnError (e.error); }; If (args) {xhr.send (args); } And {xhr.send (); }}; Export.request = HttpRequest;
and this is the code that requests
network = requirement ('/ library / network'); Var sendCarrello = function () {$. Loader.visible = true; $ .carrelloCamminante.animate (a); Url = " / new mobile user"; // or This is the same network. Request (url, "get", undefined, resp) {$ loader.visible = false;}, function (mistake) {warning ("error -" + "" + mistake);}) ; };
What could be the error?
You do not "get":
network. (Url, "get", undefined, function). {....
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