ios - CALayer is not showing on Device -

I have a custom layer (which is the subclass of CALayer). In that class, I override the requirements of the methods : , initWithLayer: , actionForKey: , like this:

< Pre> - (id & lt; CAAction & gt;) Action: (NSString *) event {if ([event isEqualToString: @ "duration"]) {return [self animationForaki: event]; } Return [Super ActionForky: Event]; } - (CABasicAnimation *) AnimationForaki: (NSString *) key {NSString * animValue = [[self presentationLayer] valueForKey: key]; CABasicAnimation * anim; If ([Key Excel Tostring: @ "Period"]) {Animation = [CABasic Animation with animation: @ "Transformation.Rotation.z"]; Anim.repeatCount = HUGE_VAL; Anim.autoreverses = yes; Anim.fromValue = [Float with NSNumber Number: 0.5F]; } Anim.duration = 2; Return anem; }

I used this CALayer as follows

  @property (strong, nonatomic) ArcLayer * arclLayer; Self.arcLayer = [Arclayer layer] ;; Self.arcLayer.duration = 2; Self.arcLayer.frame = self.bounds; Self.arcLayer.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor] .CGColor; [Self learer adblair: self. Racklayer];  

This code works well on the simulator where it shows Arclayer with the action, however, Archlayer is not showing on the device.

Why is not it working on this device?
