ios - Loading hidden/offscreen UIWebView -

Actually I have two related questions, the different use of the request to load in a UIWebView Regarding matters.

  1. Is it safe to call - [UIWebView loadRequest:] That scene is inserted into the hierarchy and is one of its hidden assets or its supervision Is set to yes?
  2. Is it safe to see - [UIWebView loadRequest:] What is not included in the visual hierarchy on the web view?

I am not particularly interested that it is considered a good practice to load the request in UIWebView , and that the UIWebView UIWebView class reference "Create a UIWebView object, make it a window Attach in, and send request to load the web content "Where is it that explains a UIWebView Window should be involved, I doubt that the above approach is reliable.

I have successfully used [UIWebView loadRequest:] with objects that are not in the visible hierarchy. I hope that only in the context of the class it has been assumed that the scene will be displayed because this is probably the most common use case.
